Why Are Weight Shifts Important?

Why Are Weight Shifts Important?

Balance is not a static, equal weight distribution of the horse’s weight over all 4 “corners" of his body, but it is the ability, to redistribute the weight quickly and smoothly from any one corner to any other, or from one side to the other, because only then can the horse move smoothly in a small space.

If a horse is not able to redistribute his weight easily, he will become stiff and clumsy and you feel like you’re having to manoeuvre a large ship around a small swimming pool. By contrast, when the horse is truly balanced, you feel like you’re sitting on a ball that you can roll in any direction any time.

Homeopathic Doses

Homeopathic Doses

When riding lateral movements many riders follow the FEI rule book that defines specific angles for the shoulder-in, haunches-in, or half pass. There are often heated debates about whether lateral movements should be performed on 3 tracks or on 4 tracks. These riders are discussing the finished product without considering the road that leads to it. And they are not thinking about the gymnastic considerations that play a role in this.